Soundarya Lahari

The Soundarya Lahari, meaning the waves of beauty is considered as one of the Best verses brought forth by Adi Sankaracharya. It is believed that the first 41 verses were composed by Pushpadanta in Mahameru parvatha and written by Lord Ganesha Himself and called Ananda lahari, meaning the waves of absolute bliss and the remaining 59 verses were composed by Sankara.  It is treated as the best treatise on Saktha Sastra and the verses have a deep and inner connotations than the literal meanings. Many great people have written commentaries on this and it is an invaluable gem for the Shakti Upasakas.

There are 100 verses in the whole composition. They are rendered here in different ragas with  three verses set to one single raga (however, a single raga is used for the first 4 verses).  I owe this to my Guru Smt. Lalitha Narasimhan, at whose lotus feet I dedicate this.

Shlokas(Free download)